Carlski's Gig Blog: Also Featuring Arbitrary Strangeness!

I go to loads of gigs, reviews of which will appear here, with added bouts of other strangeness!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Death Cab for Cutie (2) -27/06/06

Second time this year for DCfC, but exactly the same set! (luckily it's quite a good set!) Now I know in the past I have said that gigs at the Refec at Leeds Uni always sound crap, but for the second time this year I have been proved wrong! They sounded better than they did at the Academy in Manchester last March.

Dave was also reasonably impressed, he didn't think they had many songs that you could DJ very easily. However he was interested in compilation CD! Not entirely sure I like the fact that Ticketmaster appear to have taken over ticketing for the Uni tho!

Here, as is rapidly become the norm, are some pix (note that the photography may be inproving slightly!)

Monday, June 26, 2006

The Who - 25/06/06

Who's better, Who's best! No doubt about it The Who came to Leeds for the second time in two weeks and rocked for nearly two hours! They started with "Who Are You" and played pretty much what you would expect between that song and "Won't Get Fooled Again " which was the last song.

"The Seeker" was an unexpected nice suprise, but unfortunately they swapped "Eminence Front" which they played at the Leeds Uni gig, with "Cry If You Want" a less good track from "It's Hard", but other than that they were excellent.

Best quips from Roger - "Last week it was 100 degrees at the uni, this week it's fucking freezing, you just can't win!" and "Now we are gonna be pretentious arse-holes and go off, have a quick cup of tea and then come back on!".

When "Baba O'Reilly" came on, there were a couple of young kids, about 16ish, who were asking "Is this a special song or something?" and I said to them, "Yeah, you might know it, it's the theme tune to "CSI:NY", and they replied "Oh yeah, we love that show" and another girl piped up "I always think of that as well, now!" Damn you, Jerry Bruckheimer!

Here as ever are some pix!

"England did well, son!"

Big screen action!

Dig the woolly hat, Pete!

Next gig - Death Cab for Cutie (Round Two!) at Leeds Uni on Tuesday, come back after then!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Attack Of The Scary Hair!! (A.K.A: Art Garfunkel) - 19/06/06

Let's first have a look at Manchester Bridgewater Hall, as I think it is a very nice looking building! (Arrgh! I'm turning into Prince Charles!!)

Hmm, Mr Garfunkel, he amazed us all by appearing to melt into another dimension right before our very eyes!

Or: Was it just Carlski who cannot take photos for toffee. Digital Photography course anyone!

Anyway: Mr Seaweed (A.K.A Rob) would have loved this gig, as Mr. G artfully (cough!) sang his way through many of the classic Simon + Garfunkel tunelets. All was well until He brought on Mini Me/Cloned Son: James Garfunkel, who unfortunately appeared to have being afflicted with the same comedy hair as his dear old Dad!

The poor lad looked very frightened as he sang a song on his own, and then went scurrying off!

So to sum up: Not bad, but methinks that When Paul Simon tours his excellent new album "Surprise" (Go pick up a copy now, boys and girls!) He will be much better! Although if anyone saw him on Jools Holland's TV show the other week will know he currently has "hair issues" as well!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Journey - 05/06/06

"I've been waiting for this gig for 25 years" said one punter as we were queuing to get into a sold out Manchester Apollo for the Journey gig. Yes, its true Journey last played in the UK in 1981, so anticipation for the return was running high. I was not hopeful of them being any good as original singer Steve Perry (who was pretty much the best rock vocalist of all time) is out of the band. But they delivered in fine style.

Steve Augeri was a very good replacement for Steve Perry, not quite as good but pretty close, however the revelation was Deen Castronovo (the Drummer) whose voice was almost exactly the equal of Steve Perry on the songs he sang! Journey ran through pretty much a greatest hits set + 3 new songs and the crowd lapped it up.

To sum it up, I would have to say that this was by far the best gig since the all mighty Rush played 2 years ago, truly fantastic!!