Carlski's Gig Blog: Also Featuring Arbitrary Strangeness!

I go to loads of gigs, reviews of which will appear here, with added bouts of other strangeness!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Whitesnake - 27/05/06

After staying overnight in Manchester, it was off to Whitesnake with my mate Honk Stewart! The Snake were a little dissapointing tonight as they played 90% the same set as in their 2004 tour! David Coverdale looked very scary, a bit like a skeleton, but still all the middle-aged women were screaming for him! Deep Purple's Burn was like last time the best song! (Anyone wondering why the Snake would be doing Purple songs may not know that David Coverdale was the singer in Purple from 1974-76.)

David's new bass player is called Uriah Duffy, David asked him if his parents liked Dickens, he said "No, they loved 70's progressive rock and that he was named after the band Uriah Heep", he also mentioned that he had a brother called Yes!

Here as ever are some pics!

Reb Beach (ex Winger) on Guitar

David and Uriah!

Saturday, May 27, 2006

David Gilmour - 26/05/06

Having been ill for a couple of weeks I was beginning to think I would miss this one too, but luckily I made it to Manchester. It was a great gig, even thought the air-conditioning in the Hall must have failed as it was ridiculously hot all night. Anyway David played every song from his number one album "From an Island" was luckily doesn't have a bad track on it. He also play some songs from the extentensive Pink Floyd back catalogue, including a full 23 minute version of Echoes and also Arnold Layne (the first ever Floyd single from 1967!) He also brought along special guests David Crosby and Graham Nash (who my Mum bumped into in Sainsbury's!) to sing on a couple of numbers!

Here are a couple of photos!

David + Richard Wright (also of Floyd) on Keyboards!

David + Crozzer and Nash!

Monday, May 22, 2006

Lordi + Eurovision!

Very much enjoyed Finland's very metal entrants, Lordi winning the Eurovision song contest! The UK came 19th by the way!

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Little Britain - Update!

Stop Press: Got another chance to see Little Britain, they have announced some new dates here in Leeds at the Grand Theatre. So have got tickets for 30th November!!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Mr. Steven, my Sky+ box has Moomins too!

Dear Mr. Steven,

My Sky+ box, seems to have the same Moomin infestation as yours! How did you get rid?

Many Thanks,


P.S. unless Doctor Who is now a police series called New Tricks?

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Little Britain - 10/05/06

Have sent my Mum and Her friend to investigate this one, as I am not very well at the moment! Oh well, I'm sure they will bring a DVD of the show out before Christmas, then I can see for myself! Hopefully I'll feel better for Dave Gilmour in 2 weeks time.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Leaves' Eyes + Atrocity + Elis - 06/05/06

First up let's start with Elis, Elis are a gothic metal band from the Principality of Liechtenstein, a very small country between Switzerland and Austria, and sing mainly in English with a few songs in German. The lead singer is a lady called Sabine, who kindly signed my post card after I had told her I already had her CD and it was good!

Here are some shots of them in action:

The Next band on were Atrocity, who are from Germany, interestingly they have the exact same band members as the headlining act Leaves' Eyes. The two main guys are: Alex Krull (lead singer Atrocity, support singer Leaves' Eyes)and Liv Kristine (lead singer Leaves' Eyes, support singer Atrocity). Liv is from Norway and is married to Alex! Atrocity have many songs that sound a bit like Rammstein, but with english lyrics! Their album is called Atlantis and is a concept album, all about, yep, you guessed it, the legend of Atlantis. They finished their set with a rather storming cover of the Tears For Fears song "Shout", metaltastic!! Here are some pics, note the cool mic stand!

After the Atrocity set, the band wandered off for 15 mins and came back as Leaves' Eyes and played most of their Vinland Saga CD, a concept album about Erik the Red discovering America! and also a few tracks from their first (and superior imho) CD Lovelorn. The best tracks have nice contrasting vocals between Alex (death grunts!) and Liv (great natural voice). Leaves' Eyes are a much more melodic band than Atrocity, very different considering its the same 6 guys! Here are some more piccies:

Afterwards Alex posed for this picture for me, He is very nice for a large scary German guy!

Inbetween the two sets, Liv nipped out for a quick fag, at which point I said "Hello" and asked her if she would sign my CD of her solo album, Which she very kindly did!

Back of CD book!

Front of CD!

After getting Alex to pose for the scary photo, it seemed rude not to buy a copy of Atrocity's new CD as well, well it was only a tenner! Very good it is too!

What an action packed night that was! Anyway, oh by the way, Liv's album is very good too, it was a bit of a shock as it is a pop music album with no metal tracks, but not bad all the same!

Friday, May 05, 2006

Sisters Of Mercy - 03/05/06

Ah, The Sisters Of Mercy - this gig got of to a very bad start! I due to meet Simon from work in O'Neill's at 6pm for Burger and Pints, but on the way into Leeds, there was "An incident in Pickering St" as the Police kindly put it that stopped me getting into Leeds pretty much full stop! We were not allowed into the town centre and I was eventually dropped off outside the Library pub near Uni at 7pm, also my only copy of Simon's mobile number was in my email and not my phone :-(

So I headed straight to the fine drinking establishment known as The Fenton to meet Mr. Steven, Mrs. Tracy, and Mr. Mark who also had been stuck in traffic. After a swift pint we heard that Mr. Stan and Mrs. Olga were also stuck in traffic but had found the alternative drinking establishment The Eldon, so we wandered off toward the Eldon for more pints.

Mr. Mark was getting jittery at this point thinking we would miss the gig, so we headed over to the Refec at about 8:30ish.

Once inside the Sisters came on, and could have been pretty much anyone, as they had so much smoke you couldn't actually see them, just these shadowy silhouettes (see photos below) They played most songs we wanted, eg Temple of Love, This Corrosion and Dominion, but Mr. Steven was upset that they did not play Marian! After gig, we bumped into Simon, who was like "where the bloody hell were you!", but wasn't too upset luckily.

Then we proceeded to Drinking establishment no:3 The Packhorse for last orders, which wasn't until half 12, so many more pints were comsumed! Felt strangely fine the next day which was quite a suprise!

Next Gig - Leaves' Eyes watch this space!

Some piccys follow!

You can kinda see a guitarist!

Loads of smoke and Andrew Eldritch!

Tracy, Steve, Olga, Mark + Stan!

Tracy, Steve, Olga, Mark, and my finger!

Tracy, Steve + Olga!